BamaJam 2013 is pleased to offer camping for you during your stay with us. Enjoy your time camping under the stars. You can reserve your campsites online, over the telephone, or if space is available, at the event. But please don’t wait as camping fills up fast.
We will have 2 different types of camp grounds. One for all of you who want to pitch a Tent and one for all of you who want a place to park your RV.
Camping site size: 25’ x 40’. Each campsite price includes space for 1 tent and 1 vehicle; or 1 camper and 1 vehicle; or 1 motor home. Any additional vehicle must purchase an additional vehicle ticket. An additional vehicle is defined as any vehicle brought into the campgrounds that is in addition to the vehicle carrying camping equipment such as a tent; that is in addition to the vehicle pulling a camper; or that is in addition to a motor home. You may place as many vehicles that will fit in the camping site but if your vehicle or vehicles take up more room than the size of the area defined above, you must purchase an additional campsite(s). All vehicles must fit onto your campsite. No vehicles will be permitted to park in the fire lanes or on the access roads.
All camping check in opens Tuesday at noon and check out is Sunday at
For a fee, arrangements can be made with the campground office to fill your camping unit with water and/or to have the septic pumped out. Water stations are located within walking distance from the campgrounds.
$40 to fill (water)
$40 to pump (Grey water)
Individual Port-A-Johns will be available to rent for $100, payable onsite.
The following items will be available for sale on
site at BamaJam 2013 |
All vehicles entering the campground must purchase a Camping Ticket. The Camping Ticket will be exchanged for a Camping Access Pass, which must be placed on your sleeping unit so it is in plain view and a Vehicle Pass, which must be displayed on your vehicle. All persons entering the campground must have purchased a 3-day General Admission tickets to BamaJam 2013. No Exceptions. The 3-Day General Admission Ticket will be exchanged for a 3-Day General Admission Wristband. You must wear this wristband for all three days to be allowed entrance to the campground. Wristbands are non-transferable. Wristbands become void if they appear cut, stretched or tampered with. Anyone found in any camping areas without the proper passes are subject to being evicted from the campsite. All vehicles must fit into a paid for campsite or an additional campsite must be purchased.
Quiet time is 3am–7am.
Call 615-340-9500 for Premium Rentals!